The Lost Fire
Kennebunkport, ME
7.08/hr + Tips
The Lost Fire
Kennebunkport, ME
$125 per week
$12 per hour
1.5 X normal rate. Overtime is offered but not guaranteed.
Job Information
Job Description
Host/Hostess :
Are responsible to greet arriving guests, welcome them into the establishment and seat
them at a table. As the first contact between the customers and the restaurant, the
host/hostess is a personal representation of the service and overall hospitality of the
staff of the restaurant. While guests are waiting to be seated or waiting for take-out
orders to be ready, it is the job of the hostess to ensure that the guests are made
comfortable and kept informed of the status of their orders or wait times
Specific duties may include but are not limited to any combination of the following :
- Monitors the open dining sections of the restaurant for empty and cleaned tables.
- Escorts the guests to the dining room.
- Estimates wait times for guests and monitoring the guest waiting list.
- Ensures that the needs of the guests are met while they are waiting.
- Keeps dining room occupancy chart current.
- Answers the telephone.
- Books reservations.
- Assist wait staff as needed, taking initial drink orders, moving tables together, etc.
- Inspect assigned restrooms and clean as needed.
- Complete additional duties as assigned by supervisor.
Required skills :
In addition to a strong command of English, this position requires :
- Positive, team player.
- Friendly and personable attitude.
- Ability to receive direction and perform responsibilities in a fast paced environment.
- Standing and constant moving for long periods of time (up to 8 hours per shift).
Work schedule : Varies can be scheduled between 1pm – 10pm
Job Benefits
English Level
Housing Information
Housing Type
Housing Description
Housing name : The Lost Fire Housing
Contact name : German Lucarelli
Address : 62 Mills Rd, Kennebunkport, ME, 04046
Additional comments : House is co-ed, same sex bedrooms
Housing Rate
Housing Deposit Required
Housing distance from worksite
Transportation Information
Transportation to work
Transportation time to work
Transportation cost to work
Community Information
Community Description
Community near work
Facility |
Transportation Depot |
Foodsuper Market |
Shopping Mall |
Post Office |
Bank |
Public Library |
Movie Theater |
Restaurants |
Fitness Centergym |
Sportsrecreation Facility |
Nightlife |
Laundromat |
Internet Access |