Employer Information
Company Name :

Islander Inn - Put-in-Bay, OH

Branch Name :

225 Erie Street Put-in-Bay, OH 43456

Job Type :

Hotel/Motel/Hostel/Bed and Breakfast

Working Date
Start date :

May 5 - June 29

End date :

Aug 31 - Sep 7

Job Information
Position :


Job Description :
⭐As a housekeeper, participants are responsible for cleaning, washing, dusting, vacuuming, and tidying 1 and 2 bedroom hotel guest rooms and property common areas. The job duties will also include picking up after a guest, preparing fresh linens, making beds, dusting furniture and fixtures, washing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, emptying trash cans, cleaning windows (usually less frequently), cleaning the bathroom and toilet, keeping the guest rooms stocked with accessories, and keeping the bathrooms stocked with supplies. Participants may be assigned some laundry duties but it will be less than 10% of their daily duties. Housekeepers will be using cleaning chemicals.

⭐Participants will also be asked to provide customer service to guests as needed.
Gender :

Either Gender

English level:



$11 per hour


40 hours

Overtime hourly rate


Working a second job?


Hiring groups of friends?


Housing Information

The employer provides housing

Housing Description
All participants will live either in a dormitory located in downtown Put-in-
Bay or in the hotel located onsite. Participants can walk to all needed amenities on the island including work, the post office, grocery store,
and bank. Both housing options include linens and WiFi but participants
must supply their own cookware. Housing is divided by gender.

The onsite rooms have two or three bedrooms, with two beds per bedroom. Bedrooms also have a dresser. There is a common area with couches, chairs, tables, TV, microwave, and refrigerator.

The dorm has two floors, divided by gender, with common bathrooms, and laundry on each floor. The lounge area on the first floor has food and beverage vending machines, a television, and a kitchenette which included a sink, microwave, and hot water tap. All rooms are double occupancy and supplied with one bunk bed, dressers, and a closet. The dorm is supervised by a dorm manager who lives on-premises.
Housing Rate

$90 per person, per week

Housing Deposit Required

The deposit is $100 and the deposit is fully refundable as long as there is no damage done to housing.

Transportation Information
Transportation to work


Housing distance from worksite

less than .5 miles



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