Employer Information
Company Name :

That Guy With A Broom - Frankford, DE

Branch Name :

4 Dover St Frankford, DE 19945

Job Type :


Working Date
Start date :

May 7 - June 15

End date :

August 29 - September 7

Job Information
Position :

Cleaning Staff

Job Description :
That Guy With a Broom (TGWB) can provide participants with an average of 32 hours or more per week of employment during regular business hours.

Seasonal Resort Team Members will have the following duties:
1. Participate in on the job training to learn their responsibilities.
2. Cleaning of vacant resort premises. Participants will be cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, making beds, vacuuming, mopping and other cleaning duties as necessary.

Participants can expect to clean 2 bed, 2 bath to 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom resort vacation homes with full kitchens. They will work in teams to complete the work.

3. Reviewing of the employee handbook with regards to company safety, rules and regulation

To maintain frequent daily communication with all employees, the owners of TGWB use team group text messaging. This business practice ensures that all participants can confidently rely on a rapid response to their needs or concerns from the employer or other teams.

*All participants are required to have their cell phone on them at all times while working.

* Participants will be required to use cleaning chemicals.
Gender :

Either Gender

English level:



$13.25 per hour


Average hours/week: 38

Overtime hourly rate

time and a half

Working a second job?


Hiring groups of friends?

The employer is willing to hire groups of friends up to 10 persons.

Housing Information

The employer provides housing

Housing Description
Two furnished homes have been arranged for participant housing. Each home offers 6 single beds.

34356 Burbage Rd Frankford DE 19945
307 Fairway Lane, Dagsboro 19939
(All are 3 bedroom, 2 baths and sleep 6)

Housing will be mixed but separated by gender in each room.

There will be 2 participants per bedroom and up to 4 per bathroom.
These locations are approximately 2 miles from work.

Once accepted, the participant must sign the housing agreement to secure their spot. The landlord will email participants and this process can be done online.
There will be regular inspections about once a month and participants will be provided with at least 24 hour's notice.
WiFi is included in both houses.
Bikes available at no cost for participants to use.

The participants will pay rent to the landlord. Rent is due weekly and participants should expect to pay at least the first week upon arrival.
Housing Rate

$150.00 - 175.00 per week

Housing Deposit Required

A $150-175 deposit is required upon arrival at the house. This deposit will be refunded in full at the end of the participant's stay if participant has paid rent on time and has not damaged items.

Transportation Information
Transportation to work

company car or bike

Housing distance from worksite

2+ miles / 5 miles



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